The Last Metro

The Last Metro French Le Dernier Mtro is a 1980 drama film made by Les Films du Carrosse, written and directed by the French filmmaker Franois Truffaut, and starring Catherine Deneuve and Grard Depardieu.

Set during the German occupation of Paris during the Second World War, it tells the story of Lucas Steiner, a Jewish theatre director and his Gentile wife, Marion Steiner, who struggles to keep him concealed from the Nazis in their theatre cellar while she performs both his former job as the director and hers as an actress.The title The Last Metro refers to the fact that during the occupation it was imperative that Parisians catch the last train Mtro home. This was to avoid breaking the strict curfew imposed by the Nazis. During the winter months of occupied Paris there was no way to obtain coal, and the only manner in which people could keep warm was attending plays in theatres, which ended just before the last train left. ........

Source: Wikipedia